Tuesday, July 22, 2008

SCSM 2008

Should I even think about it? My previous year's half-marathon attempt was torture, to say the least. The hard part wasn't the 21.1km I did on 3rd December 2007. No, it was far from it. It was the 4 months of shit that I put my body through to prepare for that singular attempt on 3rd December. During the training, there were moments of pure, unadulterated ecstacy, the kind of high you wish would never cease. For ever peak, there are obviously valleys and in my case they came in the form of moments of dread and self-doubt, and the ever lingering question, "Why the fuck am I doing this?"

'Why the fuck am I doing this?' I asked myself that so many times, but I couldn't find the answer. I guess that question can be thrown and locked in the same vault as questions like 'What is the meaning of life?', reserved for god to answer come judgement day. I remember having a break-down just 3 weeks before the race. During one the tempo runs, I just stopped. I walked over to the distance marker and sat on it, head between my thighs, and silently wept. The pain was unbearable.

Should I put myself through hell again?
Hmm.. Well, why not? =D


That's a total Yusri thing you did at that distance marker, did you look left and right?

And want to know the reason as to why you're doing all this?

I think you know. ;)
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