Thursday, January 29, 2009
Back in secondary school, the napfa test was split into two days; the five items were held on one day and the 2.4k run the next. In tertiary institutes however, both the five items and the run are placed back to back. Previously, I could go all out on the first day, knowing that I would have recovered the next day for the run. Obviously, I could not do that now. So I decided to simmer down my highly competitive spirit and adopt a slightly different strategy.
My goal was do do just enough do get all As for the five stations. This meant having to postpone my PR attempt for sit-ups and pull-ups. Meh..I could live with that. So there I was, walking into the changing, nauseously nervous as always; races make me uneasy. Unpacked my bag and took my running gear out. I could only find my shoes in there. That's when it dawned on me. I FUCKING LEFT MY RUNNING CLOTHES AT HOME!!
So there I was, pacing back and forth, brainstorming for a solution to remedy this FUBARed predicament that I could have easily avoided had I packed them the night before. After giving it some thought, I figured that I only had 3 options:
1. Just do the test in the cotton shirt and bermudas that I was wearing
2. Go home, crank up The Scorpion's "Still loving you" and blog tearfully about how life is so unfair and if I had brought along those clothes, then maybe, just maybe things would be different.
3. Club a guy unconscious and steal his shorts.
Obviously option 2 is out of the question. Though, I did have a hard time wrestling option 3 out of my mind. That only leaves option 1, and option 1 I took. I think I did pretty well too. I had an unexpected PR for Standing Broad Jump and Shuttle Run, which were 264cm and 9.9 seconds respectively. I did the bare minimum for an A grade for the remaining 3 stations because I was saving myself for the 2.4k run, which I admittedly did poorly. I got a C grade for it. Nonetheless, I got a GOLD award and a score of 28/30.
My goal was do do just enough do get all As for the five stations. This meant having to postpone my PR attempt for sit-ups and pull-ups. Meh..I could live with that. So there I was, walking into the changing, nauseously nervous as always; races make me uneasy. Unpacked my bag and took my running gear out. I could only find my shoes in there. That's when it dawned on me. I FUCKING LEFT MY RUNNING CLOTHES AT HOME!!
So there I was, pacing back and forth, brainstorming for a solution to remedy this FUBARed predicament that I could have easily avoided had I packed them the night before. After giving it some thought, I figured that I only had 3 options:
1. Just do the test in the cotton shirt and bermudas that I was wearing
2. Go home, crank up The Scorpion's "Still loving you" and blog tearfully about how life is so unfair and if I had brought along those clothes, then maybe, just maybe things would be different.
3. Club a guy unconscious and steal his shorts.
Obviously option 2 is out of the question. Though, I did have a hard time wrestling option 3 out of my mind. That only leaves option 1, and option 1 I took. I think I did pretty well too. I had an unexpected PR for Standing Broad Jump and Shuttle Run, which were 264cm and 9.9 seconds respectively. I did the bare minimum for an A grade for the remaining 3 stations because I was saving myself for the 2.4k run, which I admittedly did poorly. I got a C grade for it. Nonetheless, I got a GOLD award and a score of 28/30.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tremulus Lune
My DIY Tremulus Lune
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Kaki King - Everybody Loves You
I used my sister's ebay account, so that's why it was addressed to her instead of me.
YEAH!! Kaki King's debut album. 10 awesome acoustic guitar instrumentals. A far cry from her present day work of multi-instrumental looping and experimentation. I got it pretty cheap too, which makes it all the more awesome.

Labels: Kaki King
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Just 5 more weeks away
All I have to do from now till the 27th February is to:
-complete my group's 100-page FYP report
-finish up the AIS report
-revise for AROC and AIS lab tests
-prepare for the FYP's final grading interview
-mug like hell for the finals
-complete my group's 100-page FYP report
-finish up the AIS report
-revise for AROC and AIS lab tests
-prepare for the FYP's final grading interview
-mug like hell for the finals
Sunday, January 18, 2009
PJ called me at 2:30am yesterday. Apparently, sleeping pills don't act as a depressant when it enters her system. It somehow made her feel more gung-ho. Either way, hearing her rant about schoolwork and shit in her intoxicated state was awesomely amusing.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday marked the end of SPinnovex 2009. Pardon the inevitable cliche, but, I felt as though a huge weight was lifted of my shoulders. Ever since the day I cooked up the project, I have always had this vivid mental image of how our booth would be turn out. However, the interview for the exhibition entry dashed any real hope of those images from ever becoming a reality, at least that was what I thought. See, I have always had this habit of hoping for the worse, so that if it happens, I wouldn't be as disappointed. Like a defense mechanism, no?
Fortunately, things turned out our way. We got accepted into SPinnovex. That meant shit if couldn't deliver on the day itself. Instead, it marked the beginning of a month-long of stressful meetings and intense bickering. I was on the verge of giving up. The dateline was looming ever so closely and the thought of us not making it constantly ran through my mind. These guys though, are polar opposites of me. They just wouldn't take no for an answer. They just wouldn't give up on the project. However, saying that all three of them possess these attributes would be an outright lie. Only one person had the guts to grab me by the collar and shake all the evidence of pessimism from me.
His name is Yusof. If I could summarize the guy in one phrase, he would be deemed "One Stubborn Motherfucker". Underneath the loud and often irritating exterior, lies a dude who is just plain fucking brilliant. He never listens to what I say. I told him to ignore the faulty booster circuit and concentrate on the new board. Instead, he soldered up the spare booster board and with little surprise, got it working. I told him to triple check the overdrive stripboard layout because I suspected that the fault was due to a poor layout. Instead, he troubleshooted the fucker and got it up and running.
Of course, credit goes to the other two members too. Momo is a soldering god who's always willing to help. Initially I was reluctant to let him join the group because he had a pretty notorious streak of being a lazy fuck, but it looked like my gamble paid off pretty well. Always on the ball, never complains or sulks (assuming you gave him sufficient smoke breaks), he has proved himself to be a valuable asset to the group.
Wen Bao on the other hand, had been a big fucking disappointment. I could add a thousand other insults, but I would rather not. All I can say is that he deserves no recognition whatsoever. Fucking freeloader.
One final interview remains before we receive our FYP grades. I hope it goes well
Fortunately, things turned out our way. We got accepted into SPinnovex. That meant shit if couldn't deliver on the day itself. Instead, it marked the beginning of a month-long of stressful meetings and intense bickering. I was on the verge of giving up. The dateline was looming ever so closely and the thought of us not making it constantly ran through my mind. These guys though, are polar opposites of me. They just wouldn't take no for an answer. They just wouldn't give up on the project. However, saying that all three of them possess these attributes would be an outright lie. Only one person had the guts to grab me by the collar and shake all the evidence of pessimism from me.
His name is Yusof. If I could summarize the guy in one phrase, he would be deemed "One Stubborn Motherfucker". Underneath the loud and often irritating exterior, lies a dude who is just plain fucking brilliant. He never listens to what I say. I told him to ignore the faulty booster circuit and concentrate on the new board. Instead, he soldered up the spare booster board and with little surprise, got it working. I told him to triple check the overdrive stripboard layout because I suspected that the fault was due to a poor layout. Instead, he troubleshooted the fucker and got it up and running.
Of course, credit goes to the other two members too. Momo is a soldering god who's always willing to help. Initially I was reluctant to let him join the group because he had a pretty notorious streak of being a lazy fuck, but it looked like my gamble paid off pretty well. Always on the ball, never complains or sulks (assuming you gave him sufficient smoke breaks), he has proved himself to be a valuable asset to the group.
Wen Bao on the other hand, had been a big fucking disappointment. I could add a thousand other insults, but I would rather not. All I can say is that he deserves no recognition whatsoever. Fucking freeloader.
One final interview remains before we receive our FYP grades. I hope it goes well
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